Our Mission

Automotive Art’s mission is to deliver exceptional customer experiences.


Our Vision

To be defined by our innovation and valued for our partnerships.




Our Values


Excellence is about being the best and nothing less.

A Learning Organisation

Tolerating risk and failure is a natural part of the process, our commitment to this will enhance our drive and development.

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Offering the best service possible allows us to deliver on our mission.


Capacity For Change

By embracing a culture of change, we create a “can do” organisation.


Commitment to never giving up will ultimately define us and deliver results.


We know that we cannot prosper through the efforts of a few “stars”.  Our success is our ability to function as a team; unified with a common vision and purpose.


This is the benchmark by which we judge the success of our culture.  The results of every team member in our organization are essential to our performance-based culture.

Trust, Respect, Integrity

We are open, honest and direct in all we do.


We must be active participants in our local communities - working diligently to improve both where we work and where we live - by “GIVING BACK” and “PAYING IT FORWARD”.

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